Did you know that a new disorder is affecting today’s children: nature deficit disorder!

This modern-day ailment is of course more of a problem for young city dwellers, who are less and less often in contact with nature: an increasingly urbanized environment and the appearance of screens in children’s lives…

This concept of “nature deficit disorder” was developed by the American Richard Louv, following his extensive research into the behaviour of children, particularly in the West. It leads to a bleak conclusion: not only do people spend less time with their families, but the fear of the other, of strangers, leads parents to keep their children inside the house and therefore to send them outside to play less and less.

Thus, in the space of 30 years, the link between children and nature has been deeply impoverished.

So, here are some ideas for passing on the pleasures of nature to your children:

  • In the countryside, or in the mountains, all the opportunities are of course there to enjoy nature. But if you are careful, there are little bits of nature everywhere, even in city squares or parks, so wake up your children to the colours, the scents, the plants…
  • Take your time, let the children discover at their own pace! Nature is a vast playground, where there is always something to discover.
  • When children go outside, choose the right clothes to make them feel comfortable and, above all, clothes that won’t get a stain or a tear! Nature should be synonymous with freedom for children!
  • Don’t just leave nature outside your house or flat. Bring it into your home by extending the experiences: nature exploration table, small vegetable garden, artistic activities with the treasures collected outside…
  • Finally, don’t forget that the best way to teach is by example and by doing with the children. So spend time with them, it’s better to teach them by being with them rather than only through theory.

Recreate the conditions for children to be more outside, in contact with nature, so that they can play in the open air, discover, contemplate, imagine, create…

Source : http://madame.lefigaro.fr/ – https://www.lacourdespetits.com/